Thursday, July 31, 2008

Owen's 2nd Birthday

Owen's pre-party present from Meme and Pepe.
(My mom and dad) Dallin had fun checking it out
as well.

Auntie Wendy arrived with the Nemo cake in

Look how cute it turned out.

Owen was very excited about his Nemo cake.

Look at that face! He is so excited. Owen loves
his motorcikles. That is how he says it.

Look at my motorcikles!!!!

Uncle Mark (My brother) has this weird desire to
destroy cakes. We had already ate some, but
he really wanted to bite Nemo's head off. Jenner
(My nephew) wanted to help him.

Off went his head! Sorry Nemo.
Owen had a great time at his party. He was busy running around like a crazy man, playing with his cousins and new toys. We were able to have Shane there through the web cam. He helped sing happy birthday and watched Owen open his presents. It was nice to have him be a part of this day. I can't believe I have a 2 year old!!!!!


Kerstin said...

oh my GOSH he is so BIG! and ps that is the cutest birthday cake i have EVER seen!

The Archibald's said...

He has gotten to big. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. My sister did a great job on the cake. She is really good at cakes. She even did our wedding cake.