Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today was Shane's 39th birthday. He worked the night before so he didn't get home until after 6 this morning. He then went to sleep for a little while before getting up to go to school. He had class from 12:30-4. I got home from work and then picked everyone up. We headed up Ogden Canyon to our dining destination, The Timbermine. Usually Shane and I go there and then have a weekend getaway with just him and I, but that wasn't the case this year. With school and work it seems like there just isn't time for that right now. So here are a few pics of the night;

My parents joined us

Shane and Owen being goofs

Next year I will definitely need to plan something big since he will be the big 4 0.


Kerstin said...

shane u totally don't look 39...maybe its the baby face & that rockin bod...

happy birthday! hope lindsey was good to you :)

Kyle and EvaLyn said...

well happy 39th to Shane it looks like you guys had fun!

MiRanda said...

I love the Timbermine...haven't been there forever. Your kiddos are cuties!