Monday, November 16, 2009

12 weeks

Had my 2nd prenatal appointment this evening and got to see the little bundle again. It is looking more like a baby now and it is very exciting. The legs were closed so we didn't even get a peek of what it could be. Shane totally thinks it is a boy though. My doctor said at my next appointment for sure we will know what it is. I am totally excited to find out what we are having. All the boys say it is another boy. I haven't felt one way or the other. Not going to lie though, I would totally love a girl. The baby is healthy and I am doing a little better with the nausea. Lost 4 lbs since my last appointment, but all is good. Kind of nice to hear that you didn't gain weight, LOL! My camera died so I will have to post pics of the ultrasound when the batteries are charged.