It was a process, but Stephen made it. It came down to the very last week to almost the last day. Stephen had a F in English, but was able to pull it up to a D- so that he could graduate. I was going crazy because we had family coming and had reserved a luncheon for him. I was
almost afraid that I was going to have to make some phone calls. It was such a relief that I didn't have to do that. It was kind of an emotional day for me. I first met Stephen when he was in 5
th grade and have seen him grow into such a great young man. Times have been rough along the way, but I am so proud of him and hope that he continues to choose good in his life. We don't know if he is going to
continue on to college, go on a mission or even get a job. We will just have to wait and see what he decides to do, but I do know that there are great things in-store for him.
We love you Stephen and are so very proud of you!

Stephen's grandpa and mom

Grandma Patrice
My parents