Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Owen's New Play Set

Shane finally finished putting together Owen's Play set. We got it at the end of April and worked on it over the weekend, but it was a monster. We got it from Costco for a great deal. I wanted Owen to have something to play with this summer. Since I ripped the old one down last summer when Shane was gone. I helped Shane with the first 25 steps, but he did the rest on his own. It had 37 steps all together to get it set up, but I think it looks good and it hasn't fallen over yet LOL!!!! Now we just need to fix the fence so that Owen will stay in the yard. HAHA


Reeder family said...

wow! that sure is a big play set. i bet he loves it.

The Archibald's said...

He totally does!!! It has been really fun for him and I am glad he like it. When Davis is big enough he will have to come and play.