Ellie wore my blessing dress and it almost didn't fit, LOL! The slip was a little snug to get on her, but seriously if we would of waited any longer it totally wouldn't have fit at all. I have started a tradition when we blessed Owen that he wore Shane's blessing outfit and when I found out I was having a girl, I asked my mom if I could have my dress for her. So maybe my kids will do the same.

Ellie loving her tub time. She just kicks and coos. It is so fun watching her.

Owen wanted to hold Ellie like he always does, so here is a pic of how he tries to. HAHA
I seriously can't believe it is also time for me to head back to work. I will start back on Monday and I am very nervous about it. I know it will be fine, but I have really enjoyed my time off this summer and I know that I won't have that opportunity again. We are done having kids, so no more maternity leave EVER. Four is a good number and I have got a boy and a girl out of it. I am truly blessed and thank my husband for letting me experience this. I know that this last one wasn't easy by any means nor did it come at the best of times, but I know that it was meant to be so Shane, thank you again for letting me have this experience. I know that you didn't want a little girl, but she has truly been the light in your eyes and I love watching you with her. She will probably be a daddy's girl and I will be chop liver again, but I wouldn't change that for anything. Our family is now complete!