So I turned 30 this year. Can't believe it. Seems like 30 was so far away, but crept up on me fast. I had the day off from work, so the kids and I were able to sleep in. Shane had school and then had to work. I went to Owen and Ellie's Halloween party at their daycare. They got to get dressed up in their costumes, played games and got lots of candy. At the party Owen poked me in the left eye with his finger. He managed it get most of his finger tip in there it seems. It caused my eye to water, but through out the rest of the day it hurt really bad and I wasn't able to keep any mascara on it. Looked pretty stupid since I was still going places.
After the party, I went to lunch with my mom and then my friend Polly was up at WSU for class. She stopped by my parent's and we got some frozen yogurt at Frogurt. Love that place! It was nice to talk with her and catch up on things. She lives down in Lehi, so we don't get to spend much time together. It was really good to see her. Love ya SMALLS!
After that I went and got my hair done. It was a little treat for myself. Love having someone else do my hair. I added a lot more red to it since I was so bleached out with blonde. Kind of wanted to go back to how it used to be. I like it, but Shane can't wait for me to have it done again. (He's a blonde lover at heart!). I also had it cut into more of an A line.
It was a nice birthday to spend some time with my kids and family. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and the love that was shown.
Owen dressed up as a white ninja
Ellie as a cute little witch (I made her tutu)

My eye later that night. YUCK!
My new hair