YAY! Shane graduated. Shane is now finished with his RN. Two years of school are finished. What a great day it was. We also found out that Shane was accepted into the BSN program. This will give him his bachelor's degree in nursing. It is only 3 semesters and online. He only needs to go to class every 6 weeks. I think we can handle 3 semesters. That seems like nothing compared to the last two years. Graduation was on the 22nd of April. That night we headed down to St George to start our vacation. I had this planned since December. We were making our way to San Diego for a week. We stopped in St George to break up the drive. Yes, we drove because airfare was a little much for all of us. I know it sounds crazy, but the little ones did great. Ellie slept most of the time and we had DVD players do it kept the others entertained.
We made it to San Diego and had tons of fun. We went to the beach, the zoo, SeaWorld and Disneyland. Yes, Disneyland! It was a big surprise for Owen. He didn't know that is what we were going to do. The weather was so nice. It even snowed at home while we were gone. Picked a good week to be gone. Shane and I managed to get a little sun burned, but the kids made it out fine. Nice to be outside and in the sun. Our trip was a great get-a-way. It was really hard to come back. Amazing how fast a week goes by when you are having fun. Here are some pictures.

Congrats on the graduation, that's awesome! how fun a family vacation, the kids look like they are having a blast and they are so dang cute!
Congrats on the graduation. Vacations are the best, looks like you had a great time. I can't wait to get to disneyland!
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