Owen had this obsession that he needed to go bowling and kept asking while we were at the park. I told him that we needed to wait until his dad got home to ask him. We went bowling last year and Owen had a good time, but I think from playing the Wii bowling that it gave him the idea that he really wanted to go bowling. We went to the Spare Time Family Fun Center in Roy. It was an adventure for sure. Shane and I even bowled with him and I must say that I totally sucked because of my own bowling ball in front. It was a little difficult since my center of gravity was off. Needless to say that Owen beat me. (By the way, it is free for 3 and under to go bowling and to play mini golf)
After we bowled we played a game of mini golf. That was also fun because it was glow in the dark. Owen loved it because his clothes were glowing. Owen didn't really play, but I gave Shane a run for his money. He only beat me by 5 points. There will be a rematch for sure when the baby is out. Then it is game on!!!!!!